Make sure the personal email you use to claim your books is on the "Approved Personal Document E-mail List," which is also in the “Personal Document Settings” section (just below “Send-to-Kindle E-Mail Settings”).You will see a list of your Kindle email addresses There will be one email address listed for each Kindle device you own. Scroll down to "Personal Document Settings" and click on the header to expand the section.You will be brought to the "Your Content and Devices" page.If you live in Australia, use Amazon's international site.If you live in Canada, use Amazon's international site.If you live in the United Kingdom, use Amazon's international site.Login to your Amazon account through the Amazon website.You'll first need to find your Kindle email address through, and then you'll be able to forward your book file to your Kindle. If Send to Kindle doesn’t work for you, send files directly to your Kindle email. If you have a Kindle Fire, the book might be found in the “Docs” section, and the cover may not appear until you have opened the book. If it doesn’t, select “Sync & Check for Items” and check if your book has arrived. The book should appear in your Kindle library.Please ensure your Kindle is connected to the network to receive your document. Give us a few minutes to format and deliver your document. You should see a dialogue box that reads “Upload complete".Put a checkmark next to the device you want to send your file to and click “Send”.
#How to sync kindle collections for pc pdf#
pdf only) on your computer where you saved it (when you download a file, it is automatically sent to your “Downloads” folder unless you have picked a different default location for downloads or saved it elsewhere), and drag the file into the Send to Kindle app where it says “Drop files here”. Find the attachment at the top or bottom of the email called “Here is your claimed book!”, and click on the attachment to download the file.
#How to sync kindle collections for pc install#
Adding Ebook Files to Kindle and Kindle App from Your ComputerĪfter downloading a.